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A Confession…


Halfway around my first baseline loop- of anything- in a long time, I had a realization. And it makes me feel very guilty as not only a New York City runner, but even more so as a New York City runner whose primary running grounds for the past three years are Central Park.

So here it is: I realized I never had run a Central Park Reservoir Loop before. Ever. I still don’t even know how far it is off of the top of my head (which, again, is absurd, and I am going to google it right now. 1.58. Who knew? Oh wait, probably everyone…)

So why today? Why now?

Central Park Resevoir

I’ve just finished one major adventure (race report in the works) and for me, right now, it was the ultra of all ultras. 314 miles has left me mighty satisfied on the distance front. I’d train for and run ultras none stop for the rest of my life if I could, but I’d like to tip the running/life balance scales back to some areas I neglected in the lead up to the Big Run.

Lap Time

With that in mind, I thought it might be a good time to get some of my speed back and work my way back towards a sub 1:45 half which I know is completely do-able. I hate speedwork. I love long runs. But I really am looking forward to not having to commit 2 1/2 hours to every run for the time being.

I won’t have the benefit of a Garmin for the time being, but I think I can manage.

And that will mostly entail timing myself on fixed distances. And then running until I get faster.

Hello, Central Park Reservoir. I think this is the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship. Or at least a short and fruitful relationship until I resume my favorite routine- the long run and only the long run.


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